who is Muhammad ?

? Why this Book

Muhammed (PBUH) came more than 1400 years ago and said that he is 
receiving divine revelation from the Almighty Allah  and that he is assigned to 
spread this message throughout all earth, unrestricted by time, place, race or 
color claiming that his message is the last between Heaven and earth and 
that he is the last of Allah's Messengers and Prophets.

Who is he? Is he that terrorist that newspapers are circulating pictures of? Or 
is he the organized military man who was victorious in almost every battle he 
?joined against his enemies

Some books that dealt with Mohammad (PBUH) had talked about the person 
who, through the course of 25 years only which is the period of his Da'wa (the 
call), was able to change the face of the earth and his call spread everywhere, 
such books dealt with his political and military genius. Other books dealt with 
the military or Jihad side of his life in defense of his call. Most of the books 
have overlooked a very important aspect of his life (PBUH), which is his being 
.a human, a father, a brother and a husband

Muslims believe that what took place in Muhammed’s (PBUH) life regarding 
the aspects of social relations is not something that he invented, but that is 
part of the divine revelation. This is the reason why we have focused on this 
invisible or suppressed aspect of his life (PBUH). Muhammed (PBUH) when 
he first started his Message (call) he did not fight against his folk, on the 
contrary he and his companions were patient and they have suffered great 
adversity from them. During such hard times, Allah's Messenger (PBUH) was 
raising his companions on such manners that made them become kings and 
.leaders in spite of having no interest in such wealth 

The reason behind showing the life of Muhammed (PBUH) in this way as 
represented is because of all what is said about him (PBUH) from those who 
.don't really know him

 So let us be objective; if you want to judge someone you have to do the  

  ( 1)
.Hear from him personally
. Review his thought with sound logic
. If you approve of his logic, then see if his actions go in line with such logic
If that happened, then all you have to do is to believe him. That is what  
  ....  " Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said "Obligation is dependant on the mind
   so whoever is mindless has no obligation

These are four logical steps which you are supposed to use to judge 
Muhammed (PBUH). All you have to do is read the following few papers with 
an objective unbiased mind and finally you would be able to answer these 
?confusing questions
? Is Muhammed (PBUH) truly a terrorist
? Is he really a prophet as he used to claim
?Is Islam a true religion

.You can read all this in the following book

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